All players must wear matching jerseys
Shorts or Pants may be worn
Hats optional
General Rules
Games are 6 innings or 45 minutes
All teams must have 9 players
No pitch counts or inning limits
A pitcher may not re-enter a game after he/she has been removed
Pitch speeds may not exceed 30-35 mph (at umpire's discretion). If the umpire declares a pitch in a given at bat to be too fast, it is a no pitch. If the trend continues, the umpire has the authority to call a ball. The goal is to strike a batter out with movement and location rather that speed.
Gameplay (All baseball rules apply with the following exceptions):
No bunting
A player may be called out advancing the bases if he/she is hit by a thrown ball (below the head). The ball must hit the player in the air and cannot bounce and hit the player. If a player ducks and is hit in the head, it is an out at the umpire's discretion.
Foul 3rd strike is an out.
Everyone can bat (up to 15 players), only 9 in the field.
The team you begin the tournament with is the only team you can play for. No team switching. If a team is short a player, they may pick up anyone not on a current team.